We are canceling classes for this afternoon/evening… (Paleo Challengers read the full post)

Everyone, get home and stay home. This afternoon’s and evening’s classes are canceled due to the storm having picked up its pace. It is not looking good in Topsfield. Snow until at least 5:00 and a messy mix for the rest of this evening. We will be open again for Friday starting at 5:45am. The roads probably won’t be great yet, so please drive carefully if you venture out tomorrow morning. It will be snowing some more over night.

PALEO CHALLENGERS: The WPW for tonight’s 6:30 class was going to be a popular repeat from the last challenge, “Bring Sally Up.” Fallow this link (http://youtu.be/fc2mZkyb2so) or play from the video above and you can do it at home in front of your computer. The rules are simple: Everytime the song says “bring Sally down” you go into the bottom of your squat. You don’t come out of that squat until the song says “bring Sally up”. Instead of doing a back squat weighted you can just use a broomstick or something of that nature. You can do this WPW only once like normal, but it can be done anywhere and at any time, BEFORE the end of this Sunday to earn the full 5 points (please provide proof to Marette). There will be no opportunity to earn the extra 5 points for having your whole team together, UNLESS your whole team comes to this Saturday’s 9am open gym to do it.

For all the non-paleo challengers looking for a home WOD tonight or tomorrow morning, “Bring Sally Up” is a good, tough short one. Or, you can do a 10 min. AMRAP of 5 Burpees, 10 Situps, 15 Squats.

Everyone get in a good warmup before they do their home WOD and stretch after.

Have a good night!!

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