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240 Boston Street, Topsfield, MA 01983 Send text to: 978.767.0315

Saturday “Buddy WOD” – 11/19/11

8am: Open Gym/Make-up WOD

9am “Buddy WOD”: Teams of 2
While one partner completes 1 Round of 5 Burpees, 10 KB Swings, 15 Mountain Climbers the other partner is doing Wall Balls. At the completion of each 5,10,15 round, switch. For every 25 wall balls completed between partners is an extra round added to the 5,10,15 rounds completed individually.

AMRAP 20 mins.
5 Burpees
10 KB Swings
15 Mountain Climbers

Every 25 Wall Balls = 1 Extra Round

Stretch/Foam Roll

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