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240 Boston Street, Topsfield, MA 01983 Send text to: 978.767.0315

Saturday “Buddy WOD” – 7/23/11

Teams of 5
1 person at each station
Rotate every 2 mins. for 20 mins.
Total reps at the end

Row (calories)
Slam Ball
KB Swing
Box Jump

Stretch/Foam Roll

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Great job everyone! A fun, sweaty workout.

    1st Place(1829 reps): Will, Chris, Rhonda, Sue, Molly

    2nd Place(1757 reps): Jeff, Greg, Fawn, Amy H., Janis

    3rd Place(1560 reps): Dave, John, Nichole, Maggi, Jenn

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