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March Member of the Month: Cheryl Randall

GymCore wouldn’t be anything without our members. So, in ode to you, we’re starting a “Member of the Month” profile; a monthly feature of one of our very own superstar GymCore Members. First up is Cheryl Randall, the January/February Paleo Challenge Winner and newly crowned March Member of the Month!


#1 & #2, Cheryl & Steve on the podium at the Paleo Challenge Potluck!



How long have you been doing CrossFit at GymCore? 6 months


What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit? Something different everyday. It’s less than an hour and I feel like I get the best workout I’ve ever had.


What’s the biggest challenge/hardest part of CrossFit for you? Pull-ups. One day I’ll be able to do them without assistance!


Did you workout much before CrossFit or do anything outside of CrossFit? Yes, I’ve always been active. Just before I joined GymCore, I was running and lifting on my own.


Have you seen any improvements or changes in your other physical activities since starting CrossFit? Yes! I hadn’t gone for a “run” in a while and two weeks ago, I went for a 3-mile run with a girlfriend and it felt like a warm-up.


Now, about that Paleo Challenge!


How many days a week did you do CrossFit before The Challenge and how many days a week did you do it during The Challenge? I was routinely going to GymCore 5 days per week, but The Challenge came at a challenging time for me personally when I was transitioning to a new job. The new job meant I was at the mercy of someone else’s schedule, so during The Challenge, I went a minimum of 3 times per week and probably averaged 3-4 times per week.



What was your diet like before The Challenge? Were you eating Paleo? I started eating Paleo about 2 weeks before The Challenge began. Prior to The Challenge, the foundation of my diet was fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low fat/no dairy, lean protein. I did not receive much of my protein from meat. It came from soy, legumes, and fish.



What were your goals going into The Paleo Challenge? I wanted to feel great, have more energy, and lose weight. I have pre-baby clothes in my closet that I want to wear. I can now button them. I hope by summer, they’ll fit great.



What was the hardest part of The Challenge for you? At first it was giving up a few drinks I enjoy–coffee and red wine. After a week that was fine. Then it was the preparation and cooking. It does take time to plan out the week, shop, cook and clean! Once you get in a routine and have some favorite go-to meals, it gets much easier and now it’s enjoyable.



What was your favorite part of The Challenge? Feeling satisfied. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt truly satisfied after a meal. Even when I would get hungry, it was OK. My previous diet was lower in protein and fat and higher in sugar so when I was hungry before, I would feel actually sick.



Any favorite go-to dishes you found yourself making all the time? Egg Casserole every week. Crockpot meal every week. Vegetable soup every week (my own creation depending upon what’s in the fridge). Single serving packets of raw almonds and a piece of fruit to take with me for a healthful snack anytime, anywhere.



Any new favorite dishes? Two recipes from Eat Well, Feel Good. Beef, Butternut Squash, Kale Soup in Crockpot-yum! And the Chicken Picatta. I serve it hot over arugula. My husband told me it was so good we should serve it when we entertain.



Did you notice a difference in your two benchmark workouts from the beginning of The Challenge to the end? Yes. I don’t have the stats with me, but I think I improved by about 1:30 for each.


What eating habits are you keeping now that The Challenge is over? Any that have been harder to keep? I’m staying Paleo. I incorporated back in the red wine and the coffee. It was interesting that when I had each of them, I was really looking forward to the tastes but the tastes “didn’t do it for me anymore.” Now that The Challenge has been over for a few weeks, I still do not have nearly as much coffee or wine as I did before. Drinking coffee again, since I do not enjoy it black, I have been having it with whole milk. Now that the strict 30 days is over, I’ve tried a few Paleo baked goods and notice that they do not make me feel good and trigger cravings. I’ll stick with dark chocolate and fruit as sweet treats.

Any personal goals for the coming months you’d like to share? I’m determined to do a pull-up on my own and to fit into my “pre-baby” clothes.


Thanks, Cheryl for sharing your answers with us. Keep up the great work!

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