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Paleo Challenge 12.2 Day 17: Zombie Hungry

So hungry you could kill someone and eat their brains?

Checking in this week, a couple of you mentioned that you were flat out starving. Here’s why you don’t want to go there:

  1. The “I’m so hungry I could eat a skunk” stage means your blood sugar is low. Who needs dizziness, headache, disorientation or worse?
  2. You are likely to grab the next available thing and shove it in your mouth.  This is a sure fire way to eat too much, too fast —  and something that is probably WAY off the Paleo list.

Here are a few hints to AVOID becoming Zombie Hungry:

  1. EAT.  Remember, a Paleo Challenge is NOT A DIET.  You are not trying to eat less, skip meals, or count calories.  You should be eating 3 or 4 healthy meals a day, avoiding the eliminated foods, eating to satiety, meaning you feel satisfied but not stuffed. 
  2. Are you hungry or thirsty?  Dehydration can trigger feelings of extreme hunger.  Clinical studies have shown that 37% of people mistake hunger for thirst because the thirst mechanism is so weak. Just before you eat that skunk, have a big glass of water instead.
  3. Balance you meals.  When you look at your plate, is 2/3rds of it covered with heaps of veggies and a healthy drizzle of olive oil? Is the remaining 1/3rd a great piece of grass-fed protein? Awesome.  If not, you are going to tend to be hungry.  Macro nutrients (protein, fat and carbs) work with Micro nutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc) to form a complete picture, including satiety.  Grabbing just a salad with no protein, or just a hunk o’ chicken with no veggies is going to leave you starving in an hour or two.
  4. Fat is filling.  Remember, fat doesn’t make you fat.  If your meals are fat-free, you are going to be hungry.  Add some healthy fat to each meal: some ripe avocado in your salad, a splash of olive oil on your veggies, a dollop of coconut oil to sizzle up your eggs.
  5. Keep healthy snacks on hand when the Hungry Horrors strike.  Don’t make nuts and fruits (which are high in calories, if you are aiming to drop a few el-bees) your only go to.  Keep some eggy muffins on hand; have some left over grilled chicken or beef in the fridge; steam up a bunch of broccolli or green beans to have at the ready.  You can throw together a healthy mini-meal quickly without eating half a pound of nuts and all the fruit in your fruit bowl.

So Mangia! Mangia! Eat well, often and enough and you should avoid Zombie Hunger, no sweat.


Did you do yesterday’s WOD? Then you know it, YOU NEED YOGA. And that second day’s always worse. So don’t stay home. Come stretch it out!

Did you skip yesterday’s WOD? Then take advantage of being able to fully extend your arms, you lucky dog, and COME TO YOGA.



7-8 PM

w/ Kat and all your GCCF friends


Paleo Challengers: Remember, +10 points for yoga! And don’t forget to hand in your points to Greg. And your food journal (for +10 points!!) to Kat.


Ok, that’s all.

Paleo Challenge 12.2; Day 12: Write It Down

Keep track of your food each day.
Add 10 points to your weekly Challenge total.

Here’s another tip for success in any Paleo Challenge:

Write down what you eat. 

Many of you did just that this week and, not surprisingly, had really good, clean, Paleo eating.  Food journaling keeps us honest, on track and helps us dial in our nutrition.  So if you haven’t started a journal yet, it is not too late.  Jump in this week and see what happens. You can turn it in on Monday at the gym and get your 10 extra points.

Here’s what journal review revealed this week:
Everyone did GREAT!
Everyone could add more leafy greens.  Cauliflower and sweet potatoes are popular and tempting, particularly after a workout but eat them WITH green veggies and leafies:  broccoli, kale, mizuna, collards, spinach, etc.
Vary your diet.  Eating 6 or 7 eggs in one day, nothing but chicken day after day, ham for breakfast, lunch and dinner –  that’s, well, plain boring.  Boredom is the enemy and doesn’t give you the broad range of nutrients your body is craving.  Mix it up.
If you have a goal for weight loss, watch your fruit and nut intake.  We don’t count calories in a Paleo Challenge but truth is, nuts and fruit are high in calories. Limit or eliminate fruits and nuts for the 4 week challenge if you are looking for weight loss.
Have a great week and keep up the good work!



PS: Questions or comments?  Please email me or Greg

Paleo Challenge 12.2


Congratulations on completing the first three days of your GymCore CrossFit Paleo Challenge!

How are those 100 points you started out with this morning? Still intact?  Growing bigger?  Good for you. And good work pulling it together after a weekend of holiday indulgence!

So a bit of clarity as we begin:

Each week, you have 100 points to get started with.  Have a cracker? Take away 5.  Take some fish oil?  Add 5. Each evening, review your points to keep yourself honest and see how you are doing.  That’s also a great opportunity to write down what you ate in your journal — a 10 point gain at the end of the week when you pass it in on Saturday at the Group WOD.

If you have any questions or need support, please feel free to be in touch with Kat or with Greg.  Your buddy is also a great resource.

We are here to support you!

Here’s to your excellent good health!

Paleo Challenge Starts Today!

Hello Paleo Challengers!


It’s here. Paleo Challenge 12.2. 


Anyone who was unable to attend the Introduction, Measurements and Benchmark WOD on Saturday, do not worry! You will be able to do your measurements and complete the WOD during the week (with or without your partner). And we will have your binder for you as well. The Food/Points portion of the challenge begins today, Monday the 9th.


Reminder: It is $50 for the challenge (majority of this money goes to the winners’ pot). The more challengers, the more there is to win! As it stands right now with the current sign ups, a winner will receive their $50 back plus an additional $133!


For first time challengers it is another $15 for the Paleo Binder. The binder provides you with all helpful information to support your adjustments to Paleo, as well as, food/shopping lists for the grocery store, daily journaling sheets and weekly points tracking sheets. (Returning challengers… you have your binder from the first challenge and you will receive any new information that is in the new binders).


If there are any questions regarding this post, the workout, your partner, the binder… Email Greg at


Thank you all and let’s have at the competition! 🙂


April (Co)Members of the month: Kimberly Worthy & Lance Durgan

Kimberly Worthy

How long have you been doing CrossFit at GymCore? 
2 years

How many days a week did you do CrossFit before the challenge/during the challenge?
5 before/7-8 during

What were your goals going into MM?
Improve my WOD times

What was the hardest part of the challenge for you?
Coming on the weekends. Oh, and the workouts.

What was your favorite part of the challenge?
When it was over and WINNING (in my Charlie Sheen voice).

What benchmark did you make the biggest improvement in?
DT workout-the push jerk was easier the second time around.

What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit?
Variety and the people.

Favorite exercise? 
Burpees…ha!! Situps.

Biggest/most helpful motivator?
When I can’t motivate myself (which is often) my fellow CrossFitters with special mention of Rita and Amy G.

What’s the biggest challenge/hardest part of CrossFit for you?
Upper body body-weight exercises

Any personal goals for the coming months you’d like to share?  
When they were rebuilding the six million dollar man (yes I’m dating myself), they said they would make him better…stronger…faster.  My goal is to rebuild myself (w/o bionic parts of course). One meal at a time. One WOD at a time. One day at a time.

Did you workout much before CrossFit?
Does getting up from and sitting back down on a couch count?  Probably not… Then no.  However many years ago (ok decades really), I played basketball and worked out at a gym after college.

Have you known any improvements or changes in the rest of your physical activities since starting CF?  
Crossfitting is all I do outside of day to day activities.  I suppose if I played basketball now, I would probably be able to dunk! LOL

Tell us a little about yourself… What do you do when you’re not at crossfit?
When I’m not working out, I’m caring for 3 wonderfully high maintenance girls.  I also have a husband who is equally as wonderful and very supportive.  He is secure with the fact that I am stronger than he is:^).  When I ask him to carry the laundry basket up from the basement, it’s not because I can’t but because he’s still my hero!



Lance Durgan

How long have you been doing CrossFit at GymCore? 

Since Thanksgiving 2011, so almost 6 months now.

How many days a week did you do CrossFit before the challenge/during March Madness?

5-6 days, mostly 5 days.

What were your goals going into MM?

To get stronger, I was just coming back from a broken rib, so I wanted to try to get my strength back as quick as possible.

What was the hardest part of the challenge for you?

Probably “DT”, but the row WOD was surprisingly difficult too.

What was your favorite part of the challenge?

Just being able to really push myself as hard as I could.

What benchmark did you make the biggest improvement in?

My biggest improvement was in the Deadlift 1RM I went up 60 lbs, and the 10 Hang Power Cleans, 50 Squats, 20 Pushups WOD, I bettered my time by 4m 35s.

What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit? 

I love the style of working out the best. For all my life I have done sports, since sports have ended for me I felt a void. With CrossFit, it’s really apt they call it the “Sport of Fitness”, because it really is. The challenges, the competition (if you want it) and the camaraderie are so similar to being on a sports team it really fits in with what I was missing.

Favorite exercise? Squats

Biggest/most helpful motivator?

My wife, and my kids. And when I’m at the gym, Dave K. for giving me something to shoot for.

What’s the biggest challenge/hardest part of CrossFit for you?

Any body weight lifts such as dips, pullups, and running.

Any personal goals for the coming months you’d like to share?

I want to work on my body weight lifting like the dips, and I also want to get better at the running WOD’s. I would also like to lose 20 more lbs.

Did you workout much before CrossFit?

I used to. In college I lifted everyday, but in the year or two before I started CrossFit, I was not working out much at all.

Have you known any improvements or changes in the rest of your physical activities since starting CF?

Yes, I feel so much better physically since starting Crossfit.

Tell us a little about yourself… What do you do when you’re not at CrossFit?

I have my wife Nicole who is also at GymCore, my 2 kids Tyler (4) and Alexis (2). I work for an energy company called Sprague Energy managing an oil terminal for them in Everett. I am a former Merchant Marine Officer, and used to drive large ships all over the world. I attended Maine Maritime Academy where I played football all 4 years. I enjoy anything physical, so all sports, and love to stay active.



And The Winners of March Madness Are…

Drum roll please!


Attendance has been tallied, the percentages have been calculated. The March Madness Winners, who will be splitting the prize pot 50/50 for all their dedication and hard work, are…

Best Attendance: Kimberly! (Runner ups: Rhonda, Lance)

Greatest Benchmark Improvement by Percentage goes to: Lance! (Runner ups: Kimberly, Kat)

Is it a coincidence that two of the leaders in attendance were also two of the leaders in workout improvement…? I think not! It was evident, so many of you challengers were spectacular with your attendance coming 20+ times and it showed in your improvements during the 2nd benchmark week. All of you, give yourselves a pat on the back. 🙂

So, even if you don’t see your name here…

There were so many gains made this month by so many members. Everyone should be proud of what they accomplished this month. It’s all for something very important: your health and happiness.

If your competitive spirit is just starting to percolate, you’re in luck. A brand-new, 4 week paleo challenge kicks off next Saturday, April 7th. Check the board at GymCore for details and to sign up!!
We look forward to continuing to push the bar–literally and metaphorically–as we head into summer!

Heavier is Not Always Better

Here’s a great article about scaling your workouts to get more power. It’s not all about how heavy you are lifting. It’s about the swiftness–the power–of your workout. Figuring out what weight you should be lifting is a little easier with the formula Jon Gilson discusses in his article: Zatsiorsky, Scaling, and Power, recently reprinted on the Again Faster website.

>>> “Heavier” isn’t the answer.  Balance is the answer.
On page six in The Science and Practice of Strength Training, author Vladimir Zatsiorsky posits that maximal power output occurs at approximately 30% of maximal velocity and 50% of maximal load.  I’m in love with page six, and simultaneously dumbfounded by its mathematical exactitude.
Applied to CrossFit and our never ending pursuit of power, this unforgettable page states that we’re looking for a load that you can move with 30% speed, one that tends to occur somewhere around your 50% of one-rep maximum. 
Of course, CrossFit won’t ask you to move the bar once, but perhaps ten or twenty or fifty times.  To maximize your power across this broad spectrum of work, you’ll want to load to less than 50% 1RM, and continue to try to move the hell out of the bar.
Holy shit.  A formula for scaling.” <<<


March Madness Wrap-Up Week

Hard to believe March is nearly over. We’ve seen the official start of Spring, summer-like days and hopefully the last few wintery ones, too. Like last night and today — what the heck, howling wind? We’ve also seen a month full of hard work at GymCore. Well done, everybody. This week marks the end of March Madness and this week’s WODs are the benchmarks. Your benchmark score will be calculated by your best 3 workouts, whichever you choose to do. There is a lot of overhead lifting, pushing and the like, so stay tuned to how your body is feeling and do what you can to the best of your ability. You don’t have to do all 5 days without modification.


Remember, there will be two winners to split the pot 50/50:

Best Attendance 

Greatest Benchmark Improvement By Percentage


Here‘s a little review of a few tips on how to make the most of your workout from some CrossFit folk down in PA.

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