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240 Boston Street, Topsfield, MA 01983 Send text to: 978.767.0315

Wednesday – 7/27/11

Strength/Challenge: Max Push Press

Challenge 2: 100m Dash

WOD: AMRAP 12 mins.
10 Pushups
10 Knees to Elbows
10 Box Jumps

Stretch/Foam Roll

Monday – 7/18/11

Strength/Challenge: Max Press

WOD: 3 Periods
1 min. rest between periods
AMRAP 3 mins.
8 Pushups (hands off)
5 Hang Power Snatch

Stretch/Foam Roll

Saturday “Buddy WOD” – 7/16/11

WOD: Teams of 2
Split the reps and complete in any order
May work at the same time, but may not do same exercise at the same time

Slam Balls, Kettlebells and Dumbbells… OH MY!

200 Slam Balls
200 Kettlebell Swings
200 DB Push Presses
200 DB Situps

Stretch/Foam Roll

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