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240 Boston Street, Topsfield, MA 01983 Send text to: 978.767.0315

Thursday – 7/14/11

Strength: 3×3 Front Squat

Challenge: Static Hang for time
Challenge 2: 200m Sprint

WOD: AMRAP 12 mins.
10 V-ups
8 Box Jumps
6 Burpees

Stretch/Foam Roll

Thursday – 7/7/11

Strength: 5×3 Back Squat

WOD: On the minute for 10 mins.
7 Deadlifts (40% of 1RM)
Max Box Jumps
Score is total number of Box Jumps

Challenge: Plank Hold for time

Stretch/Foam Roll

Tuesday – 7/5/11

Strength: 5×3 Deadlift

WOD: AMRAP 10 mins.
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Pushups (hands off)

Challenge: Tabata Double Unders

Stretch/Foam Roll

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